Sunday, November 18, 2007

Zofia we are with you

My heart goes out to Zofia Cisowski the Polish immigrant to Canada whose son Robert Dziekanski was tasered to death at Vancouver airport last month. Poor Robert who didn’t understand English spent more than nine hours at the airport “lost, confused, thirsty and hungry”. The manner in which his life came to a catastrophic end chilled me. Imagine what his mother must be going through. She had been to the airport to receive him but had to leave as she was informed that Robert had not even arrived. The day that was to have been the happiest in her life since she would be meeting her dear son after seven long years turned out to be a terribly tragic one. My heart turned cold when I saw the video of his last moments. The intensity of my feelings might not even be an iota in comparison to the pain Zofia must be going through.
May the Almighty give Zofia the courage to overcome her grief.


honestinjun said...

What does 'tasered' mean? And how od was Robert. The whole story is horrific. Can you give us a news link on your blog to read the whole story?

Anonymous said...

Here is the link from CBC on this topic.
There is a raw video of the incident which is very disturbing.

MUSER said...

Taser is a stun gun.Robert was 40 years old.
Dabbler, thanks for the video link
