Friday, January 4, 2008

Not without my daughter- A gripping story of a woman's ordeal

Hi there, folks, sorry for the long silence. Hope all of you had a great holiday. With the family at home on vacation, I kind of had my hands full. However, I managed to snatch some time to read this beautiful book by Betty Mahmoody, ‘Not Without My Daughter’. A must read, it is a touching real life tale of grit and determination in the face of extenuating circumstances.
"Moody" is an Iranian doctor living in America with his American wife Betty and their child Mahtob. Wanting to visit his homeland again, he convinces his wife to take a short holiday there with him and Mahtob. Betty is reluctant, as Iran was not supposed to be a pleasant place, especially for an American female. Upon arrival in Iran, it appears that her worst fears are realized;To her horror, she finds herself and her four-year-old daughter, Mahtob, virtual prisoners of a man rededicated to his Shiite Muslim faith, in a land where women are near-slaves and Americans are despised. Moody declares that they will be living there from now on. Betty is determined to escape from Iran, but taking her daughter with her presents a larger problem.
I found this book very inspirational. It reminded me of how one can be faced with situations which really galvanise our strengths and focus our values.It also made me thank my stars that I don't have to ever face what Betty had to.
Go ahead and read the book, it is a gripping page turner. I grade this book as the best one I've ever read. I feel that each mother should gift it to her young daughter. It teaches one to be strong and fight against all odds.It has been made into a movie starring Sally Fields and Alfred Molina. I've posted the trailer above.Don’t miss it too.


honestinjun said...

Thanks for the trailer. I plan to read the book. I only hope it has a happy ending.

MUSER said...

You'll know that when you come to the end. I'm not telling you!
